It's December already, and like most years there are many things to let you know about. Below you'll find an outlined list of most of the events happening in December.
-2- The 12 Days of Christmas begin. Students have been asked to wear some Christmas cheer each day, along with their uniform. Today is the beginning and students have been requested to wear 'something that jiggles.' For a complete list please ask your child's classroom teacher.
-3- Elementary Report Cards go home
-7- Last Mad Science day ;(
-9- Christmas Concert will be begin at 7 pm. Students are requested to be in their classrooms at 6:30 in their proper WINTER uniform (Cardigan or sweater MUST be worn).
-14- Warrior Deadline
-17- Elementary Skate from 9-11 am. Families are welcomed to join. Permission forms will go home the week before.
-17- Early Dismissal 1:10 pm
January 4th School is back in session!
Have a wonderful break!
Elementary Staff.